How Cool Is All of This?!!

If I said it once in Las Vegas, I must have said it a million times — no I don’t exaggerate . . . much — still the point is the same, blogging is NOT about writing, it’s about the people. The people are who bring the ideas, who give an event life. The halls are quiet and desolate without the people walking in them.
Will you visit a few with me? I thought I’d check what they’re doing today.
Friends I Know and Friends I Met for the First Time
My blogging friends were there. . . . those that I’ve met before.
Thank you for the opening hello from Aaron Brazell and his tech guys — Mark and Lee. A fine hello from Mr. Jeremy Wright started Tuesday evening off beautifully. It wasn’t until Wednesday that I met Brian Layman in person.
Christina Jones was as tall as I am for that that entire night. Mary Jo Manzanares can attest to that! The conversation that followed with Mary Jo, the lovely Leora Zellman –who has so many blogs no one knows which to link to — and the famous Deb Ng set the tone for the event.
Christina’s hospitality was generous and ever so fun!
Chris Brogan’s smile lit up Wednesday morning and was still going strong through to Friday evening. I got to sit by him at the networking lunch, then on Thursday night, we had an impromtu take down in the casino. Barbara Rozgonyi was witness to the event, though she had her back turned as a PR professional might in such delicate circumstance.
In the first b5 media session on Wednesday, I met the notorious Glenda Hyatt Watson and her dear man, Darrell. They are a pair of talking troublemakers. Don’t let them fool you. Mike DeWitt and Susan Reynolds you have that red-haired Glenda pegged.
Also early on Wednesday, I met up with my dear cohort, Wendy Piersall, . . . she wowed them all with her presentation. Who was surprised by that? She was a driving force in getting me to find my way to speak. Thank you, Wendy.
Easton, Tim, Hal, Dan, and Kimberly were there from KnowMoreMedia. Hal got me to play my first game of Wii. How cool is that?!!
Robyn Tippins, community manager for MyBlogLog, and Sleepy Blogger herself, was my boon companion again. So much so that people had trouble telling us apart — except for the part where she’s about 7 inches shorter, with long dark hair, and much younger . . . people were sure that we’re twins.
Wow! And this is only Internet People, Part 1 . . .
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!