Beach Notes by Guest Writer Suzie Cheel
Catch the Moment
Sometimes an moment arises that can create joy, open up a business opportunity, sometimes even change our perception. We can take the moment and embrace it or we can say no not today.
Catching this amazing sunrise on Thursday morning was an instance of this.
Walking on the beach early that morning, I nearly missed the magic moment. We had gone to the beach early thinking we would see a sunrise. We were a little too early so we thought, next time, We walked away from Rainbow Bay towards Greenmount. I turned around before we headed aroung the rocks and saw the golden light of the sun glistening on top of the clouds. Des said did I want to go back? yes I said. As I saw the red of the sun begin to peep above the horizon, I thought ” Catch the Moment”, this will be my Beach Note this week. I took this photo and then a series which I am thinking I will turn into a slide show with words, maybe even an e-book.
This then became a positive story I used to illustrate positive vibes on Friday Morning. If hadn’t turned around at that precise moment would have missed the joy that seeing the sun rise brings, it warms my soul.
Can you think of time where you have caught the moment and it has been an inspiration or moment of change?
Images: suzie cheel