A Drawing Can Launch a 1000 Words!
A restaurant covers their tables with white butcher paper, and in a small juice glass on each table, they keep a bunch of well-used crayons. Most people might assume that those crayons are there to keep children behaving, but more than that actually happens.
It happens while folks are waiting for the their meal.
Even when no child is at the table, someone will reach for a crayon to draw on the paper tablecloth. The drawing might be an illustration of something the crayon-artist is saying, or it might be a simple doodle made while listening. Sometimes it’s more than one person using the crayons. Two or three people might get involved in making one drawing.
The people talk about the drawing.
A picture is worth 1000 words . . . crayons lead to conversations.
Ever had a kid draw you a picture, make you a card, or share crayons while you drew at the same table? Those experiences connect. Kids “get” the relationship side of crayons.
What do you think? Do crayons qualify as low-tech social media?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!