Another Day, Another Fifty Cents
In college my roommate and I had a routine for leaving our apartment for class. It was a silly script that we said as we locked up. It started with our version of the saying, “Another day, another dollar.”
The script was,
“Another day, Another fifty cents, maybe a dime after taxes. We’ll miss you, Mom! We’re leaving home for college.” Then we’d walk off together.
It was a reminder that life is all in how you look at it.
That script has stayed with me through inflation and returns to me whenever a plane is delayed or a unexpected problem creeps into my perfected ordered plans. I think of it, too, on gray Monday mornings when I want to write something inspiring.
These days I think, “Goodbye! I’ll miss you. I’m off to solve important problems.”
The reason the script works for me is the sense of detachment and irony that comes with word play in the sentences. I’m repositioned to think of a problem as just a problem and not a personal hardship.
When a problem is no longer my personal problem is much more interesting.
Do you find it more fun to solve other people’s problems?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!