about the power of being fully present.
I’ve noticed a power that comes from being present. It’s state of mind. It’s a heartfelt state of fact. If I give myself over to what’s happening, I find myself fully alive and able to enter into the moment.
Problems, difficult conversations, and huge misunderstandings take on smaller proportions when I let them have my full attention. It’s the distractions, the noises I let in, that complicate, that cause friction and pain. When only my mind is listening, I can find myself over analyzing or adding false context to a situation. When it’s just my heart, I can be overly generous or getting confused about what I “should be” feeling. When I’m only part there, I’m only getting part of the available information.
When I’m at the head, heart, and purpose of the moment. I’m complete and connected. I’m not looking for something from another person. I can take in all of the information. The integrity of who I am — like the structure of a building — holds me strong and sturdy. I can give attention. I can give and forgive, and understand.
The power of being fully present is that we have nothing missing.
We don’t need anything when we listen.
Have you felt the power of being fully present?