Communities Don’t Get Built, They Grow
I’ve walked around for about an hour, trying to put words to the change that happened at SOBCon this weekend. I spent another hour trying to explain how it could happen twice.
Every sentence I made seemed inadequate and unworthy.
How do you explain an incredible experience of community, learning, and outright fun? I’m at a loss.
Here is a way to find out for yourself.
Build an experience for intelligent, passionate people — head and heart in a meaningful context.
Invest all you are — commend, commit, confide, consign, give, hand over, trust.
Hold up every person who wants to be part — bank on, believe in, count on, depend on, reckon on, rely on, have confidence, trust.
Make it easy to trust and talk — caretaking, watching, overseeing, be trustworthy.
Listen with an open mind, heart for the meaning they take, give, and find on their own.
In other words, trust. Trust in people who trust.
An incredible experience is built on trust. Trust yourself. Trust the people around you. Trust that when things don’t go perfectly other folks will understand. People do the most amazing things in a community filled with trust. They change, grow, learn, connect, feel, and communicate. They smile at the drop of a hat.
It’s that easy.
I was changed as a person by being a part. . . .
Thank you to everyone who came to SOBCon08.
- Cliff Atkinson
- Shashi Bellamkonda
- JJ Betts
- Chris Brown
- Chris Brogan
- Anita Bruzzese
- Dave Bullock
- Mark Carter
- Brian Clark
- Tom Clifford
- Clay Collins
- Valerie Combs
- Chris Cree
- Lisa Cree
- Thomas Croghan
- Donna Cutting
- David Dalka
- Kevin Dixie
- Tim Draayer
- Andrew Dubber
- Easton Ellsworth
- Kevin Ferrasci O’Malley
- Chantelle Flannery
- Sarah Filipiak
- Mary-Lynn Foster
- Annie Galvin Teich
- Brian Gardner
- Chris Garrett
- Jon Gatrell
- Phil Gerbyshak
- Jared Goralnick
- Karen Hanrahan
- Joseph Hauckes
- Vicky Hennegan
- Scot Herrick
- John Hong
- Stephen Hopson
- Robert Hruzek
- Timothy Johnson
- Sara
- Pete Jones
- Todd Jordan
- Bob Kakoliris
- Christine Kane
- Adam Kayce
- Kristen King
- Scott Kolbe
- Jen Knoedl
- Thomas Knoll
- Stephen Koernig
- Bryan Kress
- George Krueger
- Amy L
- Tammy Lenski
- James G. Lindberg
- Eli Litscher
- Rick Mahn
- Sim Margolis
- Michael Martine
- Becky McCray
- Maria Meadows
- Cory Miller
- Ann Michael
- Dawud Miracle
- Debra Moorhead
- Matthew Murphy
- Paul O’Flaherty
- Tim Padar
- Jesse Petersen
- Melissa Pierce
- Wendy Piersall
- Sandra Ponce de Leon
- J. Erik Potter
- Karen Putz
- Susan R Quandt
- Levy Rivers
- Barbara Rozgonyi
- Jeff Sable
- Sheila Scarborough
- Mary Schmidt
- Derek Semmler
- Maria Sharon
- David Sherbow
- Steve Sherlock
- Brad Shorr
- Louise Silberman
- Sonia Simone-Rossney
- Julien Smith
- Stephen Smith
- Michael Snell
- Derrick Sorles
- Terry Starbucker
- Liz Strauss
- Jon Swanson
- Ruth M Sylte
- Michelle Vandepas
- Lorelle VanFossen
- Colleen Wainwright
- Denise Wakeman
- James D. Walton
- Randy Windsor
- Joanna Young
How do you do recognize an incredible experience?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!
Thank you, for help filling in the words.