the gracious ones.
This one is for those who seem to be always smiling. They ask a favor and if we forget, they understand with generosity. They offer their friendship without catch, no strings attached. They are the kids who’ll play any position on the team because they so enjoy being a part of what’s going on.
The rest of us, we’re all a little too busy sometimes. They don’t mind. The gracious ones wait for us.
The rest of us, we’re cranky sometimes. They don’t mind. The gracious ones don’t even seem to notice.
And when we come to our senses and say that we’re glad to have them around, the gracious ones somehow make it seem like we’re the special ones.

The gracious ones allow us to overlook them.
Just because they don’t demand our attention, it doesn’t mean they don’t deserve it.
I know one gracious lady. She’s often comes to visit here. She rarely asks for anything. She defines compassion, hardwork, and kindess. Her smile is bigger than the Internet. Her heart is bigger than that. She likes to laugh.
Her name is Marti Lawrence.
Would you introduce me to a gracious one that you know?