Springtime Link Love
It’s spring and a young person’s fancy turns to thoughts of . . . blogging. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? The blogging version of spring would have to be link love. Ah link love . . . that warm, sweet connected feeling that you get when you click back to Technorati and see that incoming link that means someone loves YOU.
Well, wait a minute. For link love to be coming in, someone had to be sending it out. What is the advantage in doing THAT? Actually, if you know your SEO, there are some advantages to outlinking.
The Benefits of Outlinking
- Outlinking to quality sites such as this one, and the others where I blog (grin, grin, grin), can add relevance to your own blog. The key is to link to quality blogs that your readers might also like. That gives your blog a more natural connection within the weblike structure of the Internet. It also boosts your ranking in cluster search engines such Teoma. I learned that from Wall’s SEO book.
Google even checks your “neighborhood,” to see who’s in it. Want to see what Google sees?
Type related:domain.com/
like this
in the Google search box to see your Google neighborhood. - Outlinks provide a service to your readers. That’s great brand you and me relationship buildingstrategy. Readers will come back because they’ll see you as a source of information as well as a great read.
- If you provide quality relevant content, those outlinks will be icing on the cake, making some readers more open to becoming friends with you and your blog. Yeah, an occasional person will be too busy or even be an aloof jerk about it. But most folks will be feeling great that you took an interest and think you’re really smart for choosing to link to their blog.
- At some future point, some of those outlinks just might convert into links back to your blog. They’ll be natural links that came in over time and through process. Search engines will like that part the best of all.
How Do I Know?
I give away link love by the handfuls every week. It hasn’t hurt me yet. In fact, it feels great doing it, even on the days that no one notices. It’s like my own way of making sure the A-Listers don’t own the blogosphere–that we have our own link-love-fest in our own neighborhood.
Give away some link love this week to someone you admire. It’s free, it feels good, and you probably know more benefits of outlinking than the few I’ve listed.
And hey, it’s spring, when a young person’s fancy turns to thoughts of blogging . . . and golf. Isn’t golf about links? There ya go!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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