Stop Growing Up for a Second

Barring catastrophe, it happens that we all become adults. It’s the cycle of life. We find and define our journey. We leave behind our childish habits and ways. That seems the way a life is supposed to unfold.
I wonder whether we ought to reconsider before we put everything from childhood away. Young children seem to do some things far better than adults.
I’ve never met a small child on a search for personal meaning or one who questioned what life is about.
When we leave behind our childish habits, perhaps we should recall of the wisdom that we had back then.
12 Ways to Use the Childhood Wisdom to Start Living Your Life
- Live without question. Young children don’t wonder or worry about life’s meaning. Life is. Anxiety is a habit we learn.
- Own your life. Kids take for granted who they are. Ask and they’ll tell you their name. They’re on to dreaming about who they’re going to be. It sure seems to save time to do it their way.
- Be alive now. Small children see living and breathing as the same thing. They don’t breathe so that they can live some future day. Kids don’t want to miss a minute. How many minutes have you missed while you were working on a future goal?
- Have friends. Young children see everyone as a potential friend. Smiles come easily. Imagine how much friendlier the world must be.
- Trust today. Kids meet today without worry of what went wrong yesterday. Without thinking, they trust in an abundant and positive universe. I’ve yet to find where a circumstance changed by worrying, but I know plenty changed by belief in a better day.
- Have empathy. Young children care about other people, especially when other people are sad. The comfort given by a small child is humanity at its best.
- Try. Small children jump in to what they want to do and pull us along by the hand. Trial and error is how we learned to read.
- Be determined. Without determination no child would ever learn to walk. It takes a strong and clever grownup to thwart a small child with a goal.
- Be silly. Young children make laughter a goal. Ever make faces for the sole purpose of getting someone to laugh?
- Give and be fair. Kids know it’s not nice to take more than you give.
- Be curious and grow. Small children figure out bits about how the world works every day. Have you learned something lately by watching a bug?
- Listen to people who’ve been there. They ask for stories and constantly say, “Why?” Ever heard a kid say, That’s how we’ve always done it. ?
I’m not suggesting that we act immature. I’m suggesting we reclaim our childhood wisdom to be more alive. After all without childhood wisdom, we never would have gotten to be adults.
What childhood wisdom helps you live your life?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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