Last night we went out to dinner, the weather was unfriendly — cold, rainy, with a hard wind blowing us down the street. As we sat in our favorite pub enjoying the haven, we listened as each person commented on the weather as they arrived.
People competed for negative adjectives — awful, frightful, dismal and nasty were just a handful they chose. … And they frowned when they said them.
And each time those remarks were made, I thought I wanted to back off from the speaker. Who wants to be talking with someone who’s mad about the rain? Let’s just say we’re not golden when we’re unhappy with things we’re not about to change.
5 Ways to Mine Gold When It’s Raining Outside
This morning before I even look out the window, I could hear that the day wasn’t bringing any spring sunshine. No folks would be running along the beach. This is not picnic time. I started to form the thought, “another nasty day,” then I stopped myself thinking “nah, think like that and I won’t want to spend the day anywhere near me.”
I decided that today has every potential to be golden.
I can find gold with everything I try.
- I can write with my own light about the people who inspire me.
- I can look for the golden opportunities to help other folks shine.
- I can mine my archives for ideas that will become stellar blog posts.
- I can gather sparks of insight and energy from my friends and the wisdom they write.
- I can take the example of the power of the rain outside my window and apply that power in my life.
Nothing wrong with not wanting to be cold, wet, and blown around. I’m choosing not to participate in a day that’s not human friendly. If I don’t have to, I probably won’t join it. But I’ve decided it’s not at all awful, frightful, dismal, or nasty. It’s a chance to see what I make shine inside.
How do you mine gold in your life?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!