The Internet is filled with information that just sits there. Google will find you the answer to most any reasonable question. Twitter will find you the rest of them.
How can any person, any business, any website or app compete with that?
It’s not as hard as it might seem. In fact, the key is in being the person, a leader and delivering on that.
- Be a leader. Leadership knows where it’s going and in that knowing is a vision, a strategy and a plan to get there.
- Share the vision. Leaders let the world know where they’re going and why they’re going there. They let other folks in on the secret.
- Be a learner. Leaders listen to everyone who’s been there and they ask questions about how to do things faster, easier, and more meaningfully.
- Be obsessed with making everything easy and anyone who “gets it” part of what you’re doing. Leaders care more about good ideas in action than about taking credit for them.
- Go out to invite champions to join you. Leaders don’t wait for great talent to come to them. Leaders find folks with great ideas and say “What if we align our goals, work in the same direction, and build something bigger than we could build alone?” If people help you build it, they protect it and invite their friends to join up.
- Respect and promote everyone who helps you thrive – partners, friends, family, customers, and competitors. Leaders make heroes of every person who contributes.
- Leaders who understand how to build things together and make folks proud to be a part are irresistibly attractive.
Business grows where leaders go. Communities of brand-loyal fans are their legacy.
You can’t replace a great leader with any technology. Great leaders are a true killer app.
How will you bring out the killer app leader in you this year?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your business!!