The Turning Point
SOBCon08 had a different effect on each person who attended. It had a stunning impact on me.
A most interesting and pivotal decision came my way on Saturday, May 3rd. The conference I planned was not holding to schedule — I had planned too much to fit in too little time. It was a risk I took come to haunt me. As the day wore on, I realized something had to give. One choice presented itself as the best. I would give up my speaker’s slot. It was the only way to put the conference back on track.
At the time, I knew exactly what the choices were: choose to speak or choose for the event. I chose not to speak, knowing that people who attended for the first time would leave with an incomplete picture of who I am and what I do.
I’ve been tracking the impact of that decision. It’s been there in the blog posts and the comments about SOBCon this year.
I hit a turning point in my life.
The Realization
The part that was harder to face was the realization that had I been fully engaged as a leader, I never would have faced that choice at all. The conference would have had more of my hand behind it and more of voice in it on that day.
I knew what to do, but I didn’t do it, because ghosts from my past got in the way.
Who are ghosts to get in my way?
The clear message of SOBCon was that it’s time to step to the plate. Our blogs, our businesses have to be about serving our customers, but that can’t be at the cost of ourselves.
We each have to own our future. I’ve reflected hard on that thought these past two weeks. Today I’m taking back the keys. I’m walking my own path, shining my light on what I know worth sharing, turning off the noise that gets in the way. I’ll be bringing the most meaningful business and life conversations to this blog now — rather than keeping them behind the scenes.
It’s no longer my father’s saloon. The bar is still open. This time the drinks are on me.
What will you have?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!