Have you ever had the opportunity to moan about something via social media? Did you do it? Put your hand up if the answer is yes…
Was it the stale bread in your lunchtime snack, a broken product, or something that you purchased but it didn’t work or was it something bigger?
Did you complain about bad service?
So let’s talk about the dark side of social media traffic
I work with brands as well as small businesses to help them create and implement the right social media strategy for their business. If a company does its due diligence, it’ll find the Virgin Media post. They will see me bashing a brand to good effect – it got a resolution to a problem. But does that mean they will want to work with me? Am I biting the hand that feeds me?
When starting a business and considering various domain name ideas, keep branding in mind: How will it be perceived on social media?
Let’s look at it from their perspective. A company starts to follow me on Twitter. We interact a few times, start chatting and then they click on a link and find my site. They’re intrigued. Like all good social media marketers, I provide lots of valuable content for free and they can read through and see that I really know my stuff.
They will also see that one of my busiest posts is one that shows how fed up I am with the responses from another company. They may feel empathy, they may feel annoyance or they may just lose a little respect for me.
Not all social media complaints get an easy resolution, just because you can blog and kick up a fuss doesn’t mean you’ll get the outcome you desire.
If you are looking for traffic and love to complain, be careful because it can quickly spiral out of control. It’s not just bloggers that complain, it’s irate customers.
If you are in business, great service is the way that you avoid bad social media traffic and the cost of a reputation management expert. If you experience bad service and are tempted to air it via social media, remember it can get out of hand, and not all social traffic is great traffic.
Have you or your company experienced the dark side of social media traffic?
Image by Azmi Talib from Pixabay