by Guest Writer Suzie Cheel
To move forward I know I need to let go of both physical and emotional stuff.
Tomorrow we have a council collection, so today we have spent a couple of hours cleaning out the garage and clearing out accumulated things I might use one day.
Des just commented how amazingly tidy the garage looked.
I located a few journals tucked away in boxes from a few years ago and found a poem I had written about letting go.
Mirrors of the Soul
Are you just being a mirror
for me and my soul?
There is a big leap
to make from the
known and familiar
There is the letting go
of ” who I think I am” to
“the who I know I will become”
But the freedom it will bring
will drive me on
I must let go
I must listen to my soul
– Suzie Cheel 21/11/99
I know as I continue to let go I will create more space for the new to flow in.
Are there times when you find it easier to let go?
Suzie writes on Law of Attraction at Abundance Highway and you can see her wonderful Art scarves and Art Quilts at Suzie Cheel