A Room of Excellence to Fine Tune Your Business
Suppose you could take a weekend retreat away from the noise of the Internet …
- to focus entirely on your business
- to work with the support of a mastermind team
- to get quality time to interact with the top people in social media
- to get the best information AND time to discuss how you’ll apply it
- to work with sponsors who are doing the same thing
- in a room limited to 150 people — all focused in the same direction
- without worry because the food and the wireless are outstanding.
Imagine a weekend work retreat with these people totally invested in sharing this content.
The BlogIt EarnIt Discount Until April 1!!
I’m delighted to announce that Terry and I get to make this offer …
Write a blog post about what “The Virtual Meets the Concrete” means to you. We want to celebrate how our relationships online help our lives and businesses online and off. Tell us why online and offline relationships and strategies matter.
Here’s how to qualify for the discount
1. Write a blog post about a person (or people) online or off who has (or have) made a difference in your life. Celebrate how they have made your life easier, better, smarter, more productive, more meaningful.
2. Then let us know by tagging your post #SOBCon2010 and leaving a comment with a link to it on this post. Include a working email with your comment and as a thank you for sharing your story, we’ll send you a special code to take $250 off the $895 FULL conference rate – that’s over a 25% savings! (We won’t use your email to spam you.)
Or, if you can’t make to SOBCon2010, you could “pay it forward” and pass the discount on to one of your friends — or offer it back to us as a gift for us to pass on for you.
We’re doing everything we can to bring you all the value, the experts and expertise, and the time to work and network that you need to make your business outstanding and extremely profitable in 2010.
What could you do with a weekend of the time, expertise, and support you need to focus your business?