Yeehaw! Hey, ya’ll, come celebrate with me, won’t you?
Why are we celebrating, you ask?
OK, since you ask, I’ll tell ya! July 15, 2009 is a banner day for little ol’ me because it’s the official launch of my very first book from Middle Zone Publishing (sound of crowd cheering enthusiastically)!
Yep; writing a book wasn’t even a glimmer in my eye way back when I first started blogging – and by an amazing series of events, it’s actually come to pass! In fact, being a writer is something I’ve wanted to do ever since I discovered my grandmother’s attic nearly 50 years ago.
I want to take a moment and thank my dear friend Liz Strauss for kick-startin’ the whole process some years ago when she accused me of bein’ a “writer”, of all things! I mean, who knew? Plus, I want to also thank all of YOU – Terry Starbucker and the whole SOBCon gang of desperados – you all had a hand in helping shape me into the writer I am today.
Anyhoo – now that I’ve made the further move from writer to “author”, well, all I can say is:
Thanks, y’all, from the bottom of my Texas heart, and a big ol’ tip o’ the hat to ya! (Oh, and p.s.- Please buy the book! Just sayin’;-)
Robert Hruzek writes at Middle Zone Musings
Celebrate the New Beginning | 2009, by rAmmoRRison
A Hat Tip To Ya! by Robert Hruzek