It’s Easier to Write About Someone Else
Whether we work in a traditional enterprise, work in a boutique shop with a handful of people, work alone or work at a hobby, such as blogging, we need a goal to channel our investment, to direct it toward gains, to have the energy and time required to stretch and free ourselves.
Yet even when we choose productivity, to work totally alone without employee or employer, we’re still interacting with people who have myriad needs. We meet with others who have myriad needs of their own and we actively listen to take them on as our own.
If we do it well, we will gain credibility, if we miss the mark, we actually harm some part of the relationship. Relationships may be more difficult than editing this page. just forming. We know those times well, when we try too hard to convince others of our brand, apologize for our writing, ask links instead of earning them, or quote text when we should analyze.
Each day this week we’ll discuss one way we touch those we meet in business and in our personal lives. We’ll look at how branding, personal branding, self-promotion, and selling form the big picture of our image.
We’ll look at case studies and use each of our own core competencies to discuss how we might improve our interactions in each case.
We’ll begin tomorrow with the thought that all relationships are imagined and constructed within us and as such we can have an impact on how they work.
But you might start listening around the blogopshere for examples you see of branding, self-promotion, and sales today.
–ME “Liz” Strauss”