Well, the months of traveling and now moving in to a new apartment have caught up with me. I am finally catching up on correspondence and research. I cam across this via Twitter today, and thought that it would be valuable to the SOBCon community:
85 Absolutely Free Online Business Classes
From SmallBizBee.com
The following courses range in complexity and length, and should offer a good primer for those of you just starting your own business or who want more specialized knowledge in an area of interest.
I hope you find something here that helps you and your business be successful!
General Small Business* Small Business Primer: Guide to Starting a Business
* My Own Business
* Business Planning Guide Down-Shifting in a Slowing Economy
* Strategic Planning & Execution
* Increase Your Business Success
* Organize Your Small or Home Office
* Evaluating the Potential of Business
* Business Organization
* Licenses & Permits
* Business Insurance
* Location and Leasing
* Expanding and Problems
* Buying A Business
* Online Tutorial for Starting a Business
* Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
Click over to SmallBizBee for the full list and the links.