Are you a collector? Do you see something on television or while you’re out shopping and just have to have it? Perhaps this scenario sounds familiar: You pick things up, here and there, and over the years you;ve acquired quite a collection. Then, one day, you’re inspired to use one of those handy-dandy items and you can’t find it anywhere!
I am not a collector. That isn’t to say that I don’t have a collection. Through the generosity of various relatives, I have stacks of cookbooks, fancy kitchen tools, and  various odds and ends. These items are carried in by the truckload by the helpful relatives and deposited in my house, where I am left to stash them away for future use.  And stash them away I do, here, there, and everywhere.
Days pass, sometimes weeks or months. Suddenly, I’m inspired. Where’s that Super Doodle Noodle Maker Aunt Bonita gave me?  Where in the world did I store it away?   I want to make Super Doodle noodles and my Super Doodle Noodle Maker is nowhere to be found!
Do you catalogue your creativity?
What’s the point? Most of us collect blogging ideas as we go through life.  Our great, creative ideas for our blogs can get lost in the hodgepodge of daily life if we don’t develop some way to catalogue them.  Finding a way to organize those ideas is a essential to having them when we need them.
There are many ways to keep track of those great ideas. One tool that has helped me is a small notebook. I carry it around in my purse and when I hear or see something that I think I could use later, I jot it down. Sometimes, the little notebook isn’t on hand, so I grab a piece of paper and write it down there. So, now I have a small stack of papers and notebooks that I keep beside my chair, on hand for when I need to find that great concept from the past.
A little notebook is a start but it certainly isn’t going to keep things organized for future reference. To keep things on track, I divide my concepts into categories for quick reference. Ultimately though, something more will be needed. Ideally, a file drawer organized alphabetically and divided by category would work best. Being able to access information quickly and accurately when needed is an absolute necessity when you need to recall that one great idea or when inspiration runs out and you need to pull from your catalogue of creativity. If my kitchen were as organized as my blogging ideas it would be a cinch to find my Super Doodle Noodle Maker when I need it!
How do you keep your ideas for blogging organized?  Let us know what works for you. Â
Jael Strong writes for TheWriteBloggers, a professional blogging service which builds clientsâ authority status and net visibility. She has written both fiction and non-fiction pieces for print and online publications. She regularly blogs at Freelance Writing Mamas .
Thanks, Jael
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your business!!
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