Andy Sernovitz from Damn I Wish I’d Thought of That points to an article on Creating Passionate Users:
The Best User Manual Ever:
Focus on making your user manual easier to read (even enjoyable!), and you’ll find your customers get more use out of your stuff and are more willing to become repeat customers. Parelli Natural Horsemanship not only instructs customers on how to use their equestrian products, but they offer tips, solutions to typical problems, and even motivate customers to master new skills. Try replacing your boring manuals with pocket guides, instructional videos, and ways for your fans to track their achievements.The Lesson: Turn your crappy user manual into something that encourages customers to use your stuff to the fullest.
“remember, all things being equal, he who gets his users past the suck threshold and into the kick-ass zone the fastest wins. “
It’s a long post but look at the pictures, then think about what you could do with your crappy manual…