Is really not good. I’m sorry, that’s why I’ve not been around.
Here is a good place for a call to action.
by Liz
Is really not good. I’m sorry, that’s why I’ve not been around.
by Liz
When my dear friend, Keith Dsouza offered to write a guest post profiling a couple of young bloggers, I’m sure he didn’t know what he was about to get himself involved in. Within seconds I started having ideas, and Keith didn’t run fast enough. We were in a discussion about the 108-year-old blogger who just had a birthday, and about how bloggers come in every age from children up to 108 as far as we know.
Introducing Keith Dsouza, who will be writing for Successful Blog.
Do you have an age syndrome with blogging? Do you always think something like I am 32 or I am 58 and I can’t start blogging? Well welcome to a world that is ageless and has no restrictions on what you say. Welcome to blogging.
It’s an ageless project.
Most professions have age restrictions, blogging does not.
If you are 90 years old, you can blog about how your great grandchild plays with you with his toys and how you enjoy it.
If you are a 13 year old, you can tell the world how well you fared at your first baseball game.
If you are a mom or dad, you can write about your child’s growth and after few years, let him read it. You can look back at those cheerful memories again 10 years further down the line.
Age is never a factor for telling people what you love. A blog can get you there.
Blogging can make you friends with someone who you would never have approached in real life. I am 25 but I still have a great friend in Liz who old enough to be my mom. Blogging brought us together breaking the barrier of age, without blogging I wouldn’t have approached a woman of her age to be my friend.
Have you seen the ageless project? We’ll be using it to explore what bloggers of every age are doing. See the gnerations of people there. Then why not add your blog? You can do that by clicking the logo below.
Blogging has no restrictions and with the help of the ageless project, we will find and profile bloggers from a 13 year old to a 93 year old. Blogging is an ageless project. What we’ll be doing here is ageless too — the focus will be on how age isn’t a barrier in sharing your thoughts with the world.
Great thoughts come from every age and all over the planet.
–ME “Liz” Strauss and Keith Dsouza
Work with Liz!!
by Liz
Here’s how it works.
It’s like any rambling conversation. Don’t try to read it all. Jump in whenever you get here. Just go to the end and start talking. EVERYONE is WELCOME.
The rules are simple — be nice.
There are always first timers and new things to talk about. It’s sort of half “Cheers” part “Friends” and part video game. You don’t know how much fun it is until you try it.
Here’s a few ideas to get us started:
And, whatever else comes up, including THE EVER POPULAR, Basil the code-writing donkey . . . and flamenco dancing (because we always get off topic, anyway.)
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Related article
What is Tuesday Open Comment Night?
by Liz
With such wonder two years ago I found
A New Blog that was friendly and conversations abound
It was inviting and different in this new place
The Blogger wanted to know each and every new face
As each new comment and bit of banter grew
The conversation, it wandered around and started anew
A bright idea Liz had one Tuesday Night
“Open Comments!” she said to everyone’s delight
From there, as before, as time went on
Another idea Liz had, it was S.O.B.con!
The year was ’07 and all were invited
including me, and I was just so excited
All the new friends I made that weekend
Helped improve my Blogging to no end
And a nudge in business, referrals I guess
Came about from my new friends all, no less!
It depends on how you measure Success
But my new friends ’round here have given me
Happy Blog B-Day Successful Blog!
and Liz, Just Stay The Way You Are… (hear the song?)
by Guest Author
Happy 2! Hard to believe that your blog is so young!
My thoughts:
Don’t seek success
It should not be a goal in life
It is hard to achieve
You never really think you’re thereRather, you should aim for achievable goals
Set your sights high
But celebrate when you reach mile markers along the wayLet others label you “successful”
But always aim to improve
Never accept “good enough”
Give back to those who helped
And lastly, be thankfulHappy second again Liz!
Michael Stelzner’s – Blog – Writing White Papers
————————————————–Thank you, Mike!The party is Oct. 24th! Come for the surprises! Bring a link to your success!!!
by Liz
Yesterday, Robert Hruzek’s email arrived in my inbox with a question. Do you think this might make a Change the World story? I read it though and wrote back immediately. It’s obvious that my answer was to the affirmative.
So I’m passing along this actual event from the lives of our own, Mr. Middle Zone Musings and his dear lady. The narrative offers a twist for the ending. It carries Mr. Musing’s thoughts on how the world might be.
You know, it’s easy to say what one would do in a certain situation, isn’t it? To paint a rosy picture that “surely” would have been, had it really happened (yes, I know — don’t call you Shirley).
C’mon, admit it; we all like to think the best of ourselves. And you know what? We should have a positive self-talk and self-image; that’s just good mental health. But what’s the reality?
Allow me to paint a scene for you.
The other day Mrs. MZM and I had lunch at one of our favorite beaneries, Cafe Express. It’s one of those (relatively) new kinds of restaurants where you place your order, wait for your pager to buzz, and then pick the food up yourself. Condiments are over here, drinks are over there; help yourself, and thank you very much. (Hey, I’m not complaining; I happen to like it.)
We decided to eat outside on the patio so we could enjoy the beautiful weather we were having; a nice little umbrella-covered table in the corner was perfect. We had just barely gotten settled when the little flat wireless-radio-controlled-butt-massage-thingy (I always put it in a back pocket — it provides a cheap thrill!) went off, so off I went to collect our food.
And finally, to complete the scene, there was a bus boy cleaning the table next to ours.
OK, got the picture? So here we go…
As I returned and approached our table, I was still a few feet away when we heard a medium-loud “pop” (sort of like a “quiet” firecracker). We both looked around to see what made the unusual noise, but nothing was obvious — no cars passing by (there was a street right next to us), no pedestrians within reasonable distance, and no one sitting nearby seemed to notice — there was nothin’.
Oh, well. I sat down and we prepared to eat — and then I noticed a tiny white dot on Mrs. MZM’s left cheek! I looked again, and there were more white dots on her face — along with several in her hair, on her blouse, the pants she had on! Finally, as our eyes followed the trail of white dots down to the ground, we saw what had made the sound.
It was a mayonnaise packet.
Yep, that’s right, ladies and gentlemen; yours truly had sprayed mayonnaise (and with explosive force, no less) all over Mrs. MZM when I had stepped on a packet inadvertently dropped by the bus boy. In fact, we found even more of the white stuff all over my shoe, the table, the chair I had already sat in, and judging from the spray pattern, no doubt the buildings across the street!
Sheesh! Now what?
Mrs. MZM jumped up with an angry exclamation and attempted to dab the offending condiment off her clothes, her hair, and her glasses. Her frustration was obvious to the neighboring tables as she did her best to recover with some sort of dignity. Alas, it was a losing proposition.
There was nothing that could be done about the prominent stains on her clothes, though. Well *sigh* at least it had started out as a beautiful day!
Once we realized what had happened – Mrs. MZM burst out laughing!
We then spent a hilarious few minutes checking each other over for tiny white dots (the folks at the table next to us probably thought we were inventing a new dance step), just to make sure we got them all.
Finally, we sat down again and munched happily on our burgers, enjoying the rest of the beautiful day.
So lemme ask ya!
If you had the power to choose, then which one of these endings would you have picked?
OK, got it? All those who chose # 1, raise your hand. Fine, now all those who went for #2? Hmmm! seems kinda lopsided to me. Amazing how we all seemed to choose the happy ending.
But here’s the real money question:
If this had happened to you, which ending would have ACTUALLY happened?
Extra Special Super Duper Bonus Points:
To make it really fun, ask a friend to answer the question for you!
So what really happened, you ask? Well, it was exactly as presented above, with ending #2, of course! Ah, Mrs. MZM – ya gotta love her!
Lucky for me it didn’t spray all over some big bruiser suffering from hemorrhoids and bristling with a bad attitude because his favorite team had just lost a key game – I might have been hurt!
–Robert Hruzek, Middle Zone Musings
We can change the world — just like that. Thank you, Robert!
–ME “Liz” Strauss