Let me introduce the bloggers
who have earned this official badge of achievement,
Successful Blog SOBs.
I invite them to take a badge home to display on their blogs.
They take the conversation to their readers,
contribute great ideas, challenge us, make us better, and make our businesses stronger.
I thank all of our SOBs for thinking what we say is worth passing on.
Good conversation shared can only improve the blogging community.
Should anyone question this badge’s validity, send him or her directly to me. This award comes with a full “Liz said so” guarantee. It is endorsed by Kings of the Hemispheres, Martin and Michael, and backed by my brothers, Angelo and Pasquale.
Want to become an SOB?
If you’re an SO-Wanna-B, you can see the whole list of SOBs and learn how to be one by visiting the SOB Hall of Fame. Click the link or visit the What IS an SOB?! page in the sidebar.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Cat Wentworth Is a B.A.D. Blogger
Blogger A Day Call: Hello is Cat there?
Last night I spoke to Cat Wentworth for the very first time. How much cooler can it get than to hear the voice of someone already pegged as a friend for life?
Cat was surprised at the sound of my voice. I was surprised at the sound of hers. I thought her voice would be lower. I bet she thought my voice would be higher. What if our voices got switched when we were babies? Hey, weirder blogger synchronicities have happened. Why not that? Hmmmmm?
I’d offer to trade voices, but I don’t suppose she’d want to hear people tell her that she should be doing 900-number calls as often as I hear people say that..
The conversation that Cat and I shared was like virtual window shopping. We talked about design, blogging, business, and our histories and our futures — all the while we were passing links to places and pages that we like on the Internet. We critiqued designs, discussed the ways we find new blogs, especially those we feature, and we spoke a while on why folks online seek out communities.
Cat said that originally she had no use for blogging or bloggers, partly because she thought she had nothing to say. HA! She was caught by the blogging bug when a cause came calling. Unethical behavior by a design firm got Cat blogging with an industry-wide group of designers, who wrote for days on end, about the logos the villains had been stealing and calling their own. Cat’s been blogging ever since.
We talked about workable business models and whether it’s harder to get started as a blogger now than 18 months ago. We explored ways to help designers getting started on their own without asking them to pay for things.
It’s amazing think that it took us until now to figure out that we both had Skype and could talk this way! It’s rare, but nice. when a first conersation seems like one from the middle of a dialogue that’s been going on for years and is still going on and on and on.
B.A.D. Blogger Quote
No offense intended. I’m also fairly passionate when selecting the brand of nuts I might eat. —Cat Wentworth
Stop by Cat’s Blog, Designers Who Blog, and say hi!
Thanks, Cat, you B.A.D. Blogger!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Want to be a B.A.D. Blogger see the. . . a B.A.D. Blogger? page in the sidebar
Introducing Principled Innovation
SOB Hall of Famer: Principled Innovation by Jeff De Cagna
The Principled Innovation Blog, written by Jeff De Cagna, seeks to drive a new conversation in the community of non-profit membership associations. Innovation is critical to the long-term success of associations and, contrary to popular belief, it is possible for associations to innovate in a principled, values-based way. And yet many people still believe that “association innovation” is a contradiction in terms. The Principled Innovation Blog will always push back against the popular mythology and prevailing orthodoxy surrounding innovation, and will continue to challenge association leaders to accept responsibility for making innovation happen in their organizations.
Notes from Liz: Jeff’s blog is definitely one that’s dedicated to a niche, and when I say dedicated I mean all of the time and personal investment that word can imply. You can hear Jeff’s commitment and energy in every paragraph. He’s taken the time to show exactly how much he believes in the idea of strategic innovation to create a new culture of growth and success in the world of nonprofit associations. He has me convinced.
Thanks, Jeff, for sharing your vision that quality, principles, and values matter in every endeavor where people work together.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Has your SOB Blog Been Introduced to US?
Blog Promotion: May I Introduce you?
SOB Business Cafe 11-17-06
Welcome to the SOB Cafe
We offer the best in thinking–articles on the business of blogging written by the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers of Successful Blog. Click on the title shots to enjoy each selection.
The Specials this Week are
Steve Farber wrote the handbook on being extreme.
SuccessCREEations has something fresh to say about business blogging. Don’t let the title fool you . . .
Make It Great! has a question for you about Raj Setty’s book.
Howard Lindzon explains how brave and shameless work in the world of Web2.0
Innovation Zen starts the year end with the first list of cool stuff.
Related ala carte selections include
Blog Chalk Talk demonstrates how to get through an in-box like a surgeon.
The Zero Boss serves the tip of the day with attitude. Be sure to capture the URL for Ice Rocket, if you’ve never been there.
Sit back. Enjoy your read. Nachos and drinks will be right over. Stay as long as you like.
No tips required. Comments appreciated.
Have a great weekend!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Sheila Scarborough Is a B.A.D Blogger
Blogger A Day Call: Hello is Sheila there?
Almost before she picked up the call, Sheila’s energy was coming across the states into my home. Just like Sheila drag racing, that was the speed of our conversation.
In minutes, we talked about the interview she just did for TechZ. Sheila recalled how they met — Sheila introduced herself because TechZ lives in Bahrain, where Sheila once called home. When Sheila told her mom about the interview and drag racing in Bahrain, her mom asked, “Oh, does that mean they don’t do camel racing anymore?” She assured her mom (and me) that she’s sure they do for tourists.
Our Navy-lady now prodigal Texan is making waves as a writer. She’s freelancing for print magazines, blogging her family travel blog, and blogging on drag racing. Sheila says sports writing is fun and conversational, but “you’ve got to know what you’re talking about.”
We also talked Austin, work-at-home dads, and moving and boxes. We have all three in common. Then music was mentioned. Who would guess that we both like Johnny Clegg and Savuka? Or that a South African Zulu band would come up in the first place?
There’s something to blogger synchronicity.
B.A.D. Blogger Quote
You get to know people through their writing first. That forces you to pay attention to what’s in their head, not insignificant things like how they look.
—Sheila Scarborough
Stop by Sheila’s Blog, Family Travel, and say hi!
Thanks, Sheila, you B.A.D. Blogger!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Want to be a B.A.D. Blogger see the. . . a B.A.D. Blogger? page in the sidebar
Net Neutrality 11-17-2006
Net Neutrality Links
I’m adding this link to the Net Neutrality Page.
Japan sets up panel to study Net neutrality
TOKYO (Reuters) – The Japanese government on Wednesday set up a panel to discuss Internet network neutrality — a concept that has stirred heated debate in the United States — and study how the surging popularity of free file-sharing services such as YouTube.com is impacting the infrastructure.
[ . . . ]
Earlier this year, Japan’s ministry put together a report on future competition policy in the industry, in which it made some recommendations on the Internet neutrality issue.
The report gave suggestions such as charging extra fees to heavy Internet users to lighten the cost burden on network providers, while making sure that end-users and content providers would be able to access the network freely.
Want to know what you can do?
MA Bell Monopoly Versus the Free Internet ââ¬â Tell the FCC Net Neutrality Is Not Negotiable
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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