Often Conflicts Lead to Opportunities
I read once that when conflicts in business happen it often works out to benefit both parties. I’m delighted to say that might be what’s happened to the SOBCon08 program!
During a conversation last night, Muhammad Saleem and I realized that he wouldn’t be able to fulfill his role as a speaker that weekend in May. Sad news. Thank you Mu, for letting us know in such a timely manner. We love you for being so involved up to this point. Hope to see you next year!
What To Do?
When I looked over the program I realized that this offered an opportunity to make more room for folks to actually think about what they’re planning and doing. Quick, I was on the phone this morning to Chris Brogran to talk about how he might combine his social media portfolio with what Muhammad was going to do. We both agreed that the two are a more natural fit together. We replanned the model and the presentation.
We reordered the day.
Now, there’s a new session in the afternoon for just thinking through the entire plan as a whole — mastermind teams can ask questions, critique plans, network or use the time to further their game plan in whatever way they see will work best for them.
Everyone wins.
The SOBCon program is really all about YOU