about the gifts that have been coming my way.
This morning when I turned on my computer, a friend was there waiting for me. He came with a gift. He saw a need, built something to meet it, and asked if I might find it useful. What he offered was beautiful, elegant, and much better than I might do. It was the kindness of a friend reaching out with a head, a heart, and a hand.
Friends have a way of doing like that so well.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known them — a minute, an hour, a lifetime. Somehow friends have a way of knowing who we are and how to be there in just the right way. They make smiles brighter, suns shinier, sad times lighter, and achievements greater. It’s not what they bring or what they offer. The acts and the words they supply simply underscore the value of the friendship they represent.
Friends are the true gifts of a life.
This weekend I’ll be celebrating my friends.
How about you?

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