For GP, Hart, and Whitney
Sometimes we only have to participate in a small way to make a big change.
One of us, plus one of us, plus another one and we make a difference.
For all of our animals and all of our animal lovers . . .
Hart is looking for stories of how people saved animals. It happens all of the time. Save an animal. Save a life.
Whitney saves animals every day.
GP brings us the wisdom of two particular sages and role models both of whom are “interested and interesting.”
Animals help us live longer, know ourselves better, and appreciate things other than buildings and paper. When we understand that, we somehow expand as human beings. People around us notice.
We don’t have to stop a highway. We only need to appreciate our relationship with all creatures. The planet would be a lonely place, if we were left with only each other.
We can change the world — just like that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss