Collaboration Link 6: Media Events
Two or more bloggers specialize on their coverage of an ongoing media event
In the time of a serious media event or tragedy, it seems that too many bloggers are blogging the same things from the same sources. Whatever the newsworthy cause how much more useful and interesting for readers if a group of blogs worked together to collaborate on posting. Each blog might report on a specific aspect of the event to avoid the pervasive problems of redundancy. Anyone who surfed for news during Katrina knows how redundant redundant can be.
Quality needs to be top-notch as always. So it becomes the main criteria for choosing collaborators. Still, if you choose with care, you might find that you develop a news team that has some expertise. What a service you would be performing actually offering some depth and planning to what people could be reading. It’s sure to get your team noticed and gain readers for the blogs in your collaborative group.
All collaborations are a great way of building community, but they can’t be your only form of linking–and you shouldn’t collaborate only with the same people continuously. Finding new people to collaborate with is a relationship-building activity. Besides everyone should have the experience of collaborating with me.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Collaboration Link 1: Image and Text
Collaboration Link 2: Topical
Collaboration Link 3: An Event
Collaboration Link 4: Movable Posts
Collaboration Link 5: An Interview
Collaboration Link 5: Begs the Question