I’ve heard Liz refer to Successful Blog as “community in conversation.” A place where we share tips, war stories, and lessons learned from a life of entrepreneurship and leadership.
With that in mind, I’m excited to announce that we’ll be introducing a new regular feature on the site that will highlight both the community and the conversation.
With each SOBCon event, Sunday was a special day. In the morning, a few passionate non-profits would present their mission and ask for help with a particular challenge they were facing. It was called the Give-Back Challenge.
After the non-profits presented, the entire SOBCon group would break into smaller teams to brainstorm solutions for the challenges described. The emphasis was always on actionable, real-world advice that would have an immediate impact for the non-profit involved.
On this blog, we’ll be adding the Give-Back Challenge as a recurring feature. It will follow the basic format of the real-life SOBCon event, in which the non-Profit will be invited to present their mission (via a video, images, and text), and pose a particular challenge they are facing.
Our community will then be invited to brainstorm ideas in the comments section (and reach out directly via email if followup is necessary). The goal is to devote some of our incredible brainpower to lifting up some of our non-profit friends and colleagues. We can start to become the “people who won’t let you fail.”
This series will require fearlessness on the part of our non-profits, and a willingness to be vulnerable in order to make an even greater impact.
Stay tuned for the first Give-Back Challenge in the next week or so. If you’re interested in nominating a non-profit, feel free to post the name of the organization here in the comments or reach out to me directly.
What do you say? Are you in?
Photo Credit: h.koppdelaney via Compfight cc