Think About It . . .

I’ve been hearing myself repeat the same thought lately. It’s something that Andy Sernovitz said when he spoke last May at SOBCon07. Andy knows a few things about what people talk about. He wrote the book, Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking. What he said was . . .
Advertising is for boring businesses.
Andy was making the point that if our product or service was compelling, interesting, people would already be telling each other to check it out.
In his book, Word of Mouth Marketing, Andy explains that to people talking about us and our stuff, we need to know what people talk about. We talk about three kinds of things.
We talk about other people and their stuff.
We talk because it makes us feel smart, important, and helpful.
We want to feel part of a bigger group.
Talking to each other is what we do . . . on a regular basis.
Interesting, exciting, satisfying, compelling products that do what they promise are sticky. They get us talking. We share experiences that we find remarkable and defining.
Obviously Andy’s talk was anything but boring. Here I am telling you about it 5 months later. He doesn’t need advertising. His message stuck with me.
What was the last product or service you talked about? What about it made you want to tell the story?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Find out about working with Liz.