Tools Need a Purpose
Got a hammer, looking for nails to use it?
Got a Twitter account, don’t do that.
Social media tools work so much more effectively when we decide a few things before we use them.
What to Do Before You Twitter
Know what business you’re in and know your ideal online customer.
If you’ve not done that in the last six months, the definition you’re using probably isn’t the best one. The generational nature of the online culture means that our base of customers is always shifting, growing, learning.
Draw a picture. Make a prototype of the customer you’ve just identified. What do you offer that makes that customer’s life faster, easier, or more meaningful?
Now that you think you know that. Go find people who meet that description and ask them what they care about … and listen.
Go back and revise your offer to meet what they care about not what you thought they did. Then keep listening — build relationships and get to know your potential customers better. When you talk about what you do, talk the way you tell friends what’s going on in your life.
You don’t pitch your friends do you?
The folks you meet will say when they need you. When you hear them talk about a way you might help, just say, “By the way, that’s what I do.”
When we’re authentically listening, we can hear who actually needs our help.
How do you let folks know what you do without pitching them? I bet you have some secret ways of doing that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your web presence!!