Happy New Year!
This is not a roundup, best-of, lessons-learned post.
This is not about setting goals, making resolutions, or dieting.
This is just a simple reminder that there’s nothing magic about January 1.
So yes, come out of the gates today full of hope and energy, full of plans and fresh ideas.
And on March 13 or so, or when that starts to flag, remind yourself that any old day can be January 1. Get back up on the horse, go back and re-read your goals, dream board, marketing plan, business strategy, all the things you wrote on January 1.
Heck, it could even be next Wednesday.
The most successful people are the ones who can create their own January 1 whenever they need it.
Author’s Bio: Rosemary OÂNeill is an insightful spirit who works for Social Strata — makers of the Hoop.la community platform. Check out the Social Strata blog. You can find Rosemary on Google+ and on Twitter as @rhogroupee