Change the World by Noticing Someone Else
On Easter Sunday, we think about raising ourselves up to where we belong.
Today we remember Jesus a holy man who was about others. He made his way by saying “You’re as good as I am.” He believed in the good things that we all have to offer and challenged us to bring them to each other. He spoke of a world where faith, hope, and charity — love for others — were the cornerstone. That to live to a better purpose would bring great returns. It wasn’t easy then. Never has been.
That’s the sign of a leader — someone filled with passion fin service to a great vision who communicates how together we can build something better together than we ever can alone. You could say that was his brand.
And folks followed him, because he reached out to people who might see as he did. He supported them, told people about what they did, sent them off to tell their own stories and live their own versions of that same purpose. As great leaders do he had the long lasting effect that generations of those he touched are still talking about what he said and the vision he saw.
He made meaning that changed people lives.
We can do that same thing. We can offer our service by aligning our goals with good people and sharing their goodness with others.
Go out an raise up the people who are doing good things. Add meaning to the meaning they make. Find a way to be more than one by raising up someone else. Say thank you for their work and service. It will raise you up too.
How will you change the world by noticing someone else?
We can change the world just like that.
ME “Liz” Strauss