By Terez Howard
This statement is not true of me. I love writing. I find the written word to be the best way to express oneself.
However, not all share the warm, fuzzy feelings I have for writing.They have more of a love-hate relationship with sentences and paragraphs.
When you recognize the benefits of blogging, then you know that you have to kindle some type of fire for writing or hire a professional blogger.When I don’t know how to do something, I always opt to hire out.
My husband once decided that he could repair our toilet. It was a simple fix, so he was told. Simple for the professional and simple for the completely clueless amateur have two totally opposite definitions. After Ethan “fixed” our toilet, which took a couple hours, every flush included waterfalls down our basement walls and showers into our garage.
We learned our lesson. Always seek professional help. The plumber charged as much as a new toilet would have cost us for about 10 minutes of work. But we got a functional toilet with no leakage.
When you cannot do it, don’t.
Like I said, when you are absolutely certain that your limited skills stop short at creating intelligible sentences, hire out. Don’t feel defeated. It takes a strong, humble person to seek out help when needed.
But let’s say that no matter how you figure your expenses, you cannot afford a good writer. That does not mean it’s time to shut down your blog.
Get some guest bloggers.
The majority of guest bloggers will write at your blog for $0. Why would a writer give services away for free? Because what she gets in return doesn’t have a price.
Jael Strong and I are in the midst of a guest blogging challenge. Yes, we are looking for exposure. But even more importantly, we are looking to make connections with people.
We’re not the only available guest bloggers out there. Others have joined us in the challenge. Take advantage of this free insight, and when you have the funds to hire a writer, you know to whom you can turn.
Just talk
Guest blogging can fill in many of the holes in your blog. You still feel the need to add your own original posts. My best advice is to just talk.
A blog is informal. It’s not a research paper. It doesn’t have to strictly follow every rule of grammar. I’m not saying that strings of run-ons are acceptable or that outside links are not warranted. I am saying that you can loosen up.
Don’t think of your blog as a formal article. Think about it as helpful information you are sharing with a friend. Just talk!
If you still aren’t buying into that tip, then seriously, just talk. Get a video camera, talk and put up some video posts. That is still a blog, well, a vlog to be more correct.
Make sure you’re talking/writing about something that interests you. I find the best way to generate interest is to parallel it with your own life. You might find your love-hate relationship with writing tipping the scale more toward love.
How do you keep your blog fresh?
Terez Howard operates TheWriteBloggers, a professional blogging service which builds clients’ authority status and net visibility. She has written informative pieces for newspapers, online magazines and blogs, both big and small. She regularly blogs at Freelance Writing Mamas. You’ll find her on Twitter @thewriteblogger.
Thanks, Terez!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your business!!