My dad used to say said, “If you’re going to expect things, expect most things from yourself first. If you’re going to be a star, shine the brightest. If you’re going to be a teacher, own the school.”
When I was young I’d try to correct him, pointing out that teachers don’t usually own the school. He’d have none of my argument. He’d just repeat the entire thing again.
“If you’re going to expect things, expect most things from yourself first. If you’re going to be a star, shine the brightest. If you’re going to be a teacher, own the school.”
It’s taken me most of my life to get close to understanding what he meant or at least I’ve found my own meaning, which seems to be what he was after.
I have few expectations. What I have are much wrapped up in the words, “be nice.”
I don’t expect the world to change just to suit me. It hasn’t done so up to now. I don’t suppose it will.
Expectations frame the future with an illusion of control. No wonder his advice was to expect most things from me.
I’m still thinking on this one. I expect I will be for a while longer.
What did you expect this would be?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!
image: NASA photo