Interview and Commentary

If you read comments, you know that a great comment is hard to find. If you write them, you know why.
On some of the most readable blogs, the most readable comments are in the voice under the name of Easton Ellsworth. Easton writes a great blog post — no kidding — but he also writes the most interesting comments you might find in a comment box. People I know actually look forward to coments Easton leaves on Blogtipping Day. It’s because he’s authentic and a great guy. Here’s few comments I picked up . . . Easton is cheerful and funny. He’s also a wise man.
A HUGE key to blogging success – and also to writing success and life success – is being able to read and drink in knowledge effectively. And along with that, developing a keen sense of what constitutes good or bad writing.
Good blogs donââ¬â¢t write themselves – people with engaging intellects produce them. So it will be with SOBCon. I hope everyone who reads this drops what theyââ¬â¢re doing and registers!
Off the top of my head, Iââ¬â¢d say I work hard to connect professionals with other on the Web. Thatââ¬â¢s just one aspect of my life though ââ¬Â¦ hmmm, need some time to mull it over!
Sometimes we write forward – across the table to our readers – and sometimes we write sideways – around the table to our content producing cohorts. Itââ¬â¢s important to learn how to do both to the satisfaction of both parties.
So I wanted to introduce you to the Easton that I know. He’s a guy that’s one in a million and well worth getting to know. So let me introduce you to the first of a two-part interview.
Easton, You are more than a blogger. You’re involved behind the scenes at KnowMoreMedia, but even more you really are the face of the company. Is there anything you’d like people to know about who you are and what you do?
I want others to know that I pour my heart and soul into my job – not just my blog posts, but also my efforts to improve and promote Know More Media as a source of relevant business news and information. I spend most of my workday teaching and motivating our bloggers and reaching out to connect with others who might benefit from working with us. And that I am proud to be a work-at-home parent who knows how it feels to juggle diaper-changing and banner ads, Teletubbies and teleconferencing, grocery shopping and blog brainstorming, etc.
What were you like when you first started blogging? What was your blogging goal then? What is it now? Where would you like to be in three years if there were no obstacles?
When I started blogging in August 2005, I knew almost nothing about blogs. I stumbled across my blogging job via a part-time copywriting job that helped pay my young family’s bills while I was a full-time college student. At first, my biggest blogging goal was just to tell all the people I could about Know More Media. As I met other bloggers and made friends, helping others excel (blogging or otherwise) became my number one goal. I’ve found this to be the most rewarding and uplifting course to pursue, and I’m grateful to have met so many excellent people who feel likewise. Three years from now I would love to be with Know More Media or maybe even start my own business on the Web.
More Comments from Easton.
Ya done good thar, Liz. Ya done good. . . . post coming soon – great job making people blush, Liz!
Thanks, Easton. You look good in that blush red color. . . . Can I have a Pez?
Meet Easton at SOBCon 07 on May 11&12 — Why SOBCon not that Other One. Register now
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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