Interview and Commentary

Yesterday, we found out that Easton is a SuperHero! He won our hearts with stories of his work at home schedule. He also shared some great comments with us and told the story of the PEZ dispenser — in the comments following the interview. Today we find out what kind of blogger Eastonis and what keeps him blogging.
How has blogging changed who you are as a person? What do you hope you will still learn from it? What so far is your greatest blogging success?
Blogging has made me more courageous and less selfish – not because of the technology, but because of the activities and relationships I’ve experienced along the way. I still hope to figure out how to decide at any given moment, what’s the most important thing to say and who to say it to, and in what way. Now there’s a lifelong pursuit! I think my greatest blogging success so far has been using blogs to benefit people in spite of opportunities to do the opposite.
What was the biggest surprise about blogging? What is the part you most enjoy? What is the part you could live without?
How personal it is. That’s what I love most about blogging, by far. I could live without the technological limitations we still have to deal with – the latency, the bugginess, the complexity under the hood.
What’s the best advice you ever got from a blogger about anything? What advice would you like to pass on?
I’ve gotten one supreme piece of advice from several bloggers, and there are several ways of saying it: Don’t give up. Be persistent. Keep at it. Stick with it. I might boil that down to one word: persevere. Change your strategy as needed, but always strive for a higher level of excellence. There’s never a lack of opportunities, only a lack of vision. So get out there, believe in yourself and your power to change the world, and use the opportunities that come to you and create them where you can’t find any. You can do it. So do it. Do it!
Easton, you are an inspiration and a friend. I feel lucky to have met you. Thank you for this interview. Thank you for being a blogger.
Meet Easton at SOBCon 07 on May 11&12 — Why SOBCon not that Other One. Register now
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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