At a meeting this fall, we brainstormed ideas for events that might bring more people into a client’s store. The conversation was exciting the way ideation can be. No holds barred. We were having fun imagining the themes and content that would be the most irresistible offer.
Wait, wait, wait.
We were planning an event and we hadn’t even thought about who we wanted to come.
It’s hard to be irresistible when the audience — the customers for our products — have no faces or names. How can we be irresistible for people we don’t even know?
Have you done that before? I know that I have.
What’s more fun is to find out who’s looking for an event, a meal, a learning experience, get to know them and to make every bit of the event exactly what would rocks their world.
It’s easier to be irresistible, we need to know who we’re being irresistible for. Then we can
- chose and build every nuance to be exactly what they love.
- leave out the things that distract, irritate, or disrupt their enjoyment of what they came to share.
- and build in a special surprise that will be make the experience unforgettable — something that lets them know you know them really well.
If we make a great meal and invite people, some folks will come and eat and be satisfied. But when we find out who we want to serve and put every thought, every detail toward making the experience one that perfectly suits them, they tell each other and often bring their friends.
Promotion changes from “why this is better” to “You belong here. We listened. We made this for you.”
That’s the formula for an irresistible event. And with that attention to that group you’ve chosen, you can bet they’ll remember and be talking about when you’ll be offering something like your event again.
Businesses thrive like that. People know when you care about them.
How do you find the people you want to invite to shape your irresistible business?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your business!!
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