When Now Is Then
about the future of the Internet.
I remember when there were only 12 million blogs. Things were a lot quieter then.
It was easy to get around. It was easy to keep up. I could read all of the blog written by all of my friends. I don’t remember blog posts about feeds or declaring feed bankruptcy.
This morning I awoke thinking of how magical it is still. Then my thoughts turned to wondering.
I thought, “Here we are in the 21st century, about to start the best year of our lives. Here we are with a new and exciting way to meet and think with each other, a way that people living right next to us don’t understand yet.”
What will happen when most of the world knows what we enjoy online?
Will they come in huge numbers to have a part of it?
Will the crowds of new people change the way we interact?
Will we find ourselves with new fangled locks on our doors?
What do you think will happen?