Everything’s Special,
Especially the Patrons
Welcome to the SOB Cafe
All through the year, we offer a fare of the best in thinking — articles on business, blogging, and just plain living. On a day of celebrating 2007, we’re bringing hit selections to share with you in this very special menu.
Please enjoy these as much as I enjoy having you visit.
The Specials of 2007 are:
Success from the Nest pointed out that As a home-based business person, not knowing where your nuts are can make you crazy. Now, at this point you may be wondering to which nuts I am referring (and those of you snickering, I know what you’re thinking). Well, the nuts I am referring to are…
Shards of Consciousness explained . . . I found several how-tos on the domain moving process itself. However, none of these were clear enough for me. And none of them covered all the issues involved in changing domains. There are six main aspects of moving a WordPress blog from one domain to another.
Copyblogger pointed out Since different people connect with different things, joining in on a conversation that naturally compares and contrasts your style and expertise with that of your peers is smart marketing. More importantly, it exudes confidence.
Spooky Action gave us the model and said Why is a model of game design important to experience designers? Because the game design paradigm is DESIGN ONCE, EXPERIENCE MANY TIMES.
Seth’s Blog wondered What do most people get out of blogging? After all, most blogs are virtually unread by outsiders… Be sure to read the comments that follow it.
Logic and Emotion challenged us to consider If we claim to be marketers, advertisers, designers, public relations or communications professionals—we must take it upon ourselves to fully comprehend the significance of a lone consumer who takes on a huge company with nothing more than a blog and tape recorder.
The Life Coaches Blog started by saying Believe in people. See them better than they see themselves.
Steve-Olson.com offered an incredible curiosity quencher. I decided to provide you with some of my favorite websites, news articles, and blog posts about understanding intelligence.
Alister Cameron put it bluntly If what you do with the best hours of your day is not also the thing you’re passionate about, stop right now!
Manage to Change outlined why The real power of blogging is that it’s one more way to forge meaningful relationships with people and actively participate in communities and conversations.
ChristineKane.com laid out a challenge. Who among us has said this very thing – or some variety of it – to her/himself? And – here’s the kicker – who among us has been lying when we said it?
Design Your Writing Life takes up Where ChristineKane.com left off. What? Write for 15 minutes? What the hell can you accomplish in 15 minutes? See all there is about Writerly Lies.
DaveOlson.ca was questioning I don’t know when it happened but somewhere in the last few years of life, I forgot how to ask learning questions and honestly it’s kinda got me freaked out.
Circular Communications invented a genre. In this context is the deciding difference however that the interviewer has to do all the present work including picking the topic, choosing the participants, formulating the questions and finding the answers.
Chrisg got to thinking about the kinds of bloggers we are. While I patiently explained the different types of blogs to those guys I realised many of us probably have some sort of cross-over between types and rarely consider what our dominant blogging style is.
JeffPulver.com shows the online conversation in the offline world. When checking out, I noticed a personal note from their general manager, Barbara Gross, who made reference to a blog post I had written earlier this week . . . it is an example of how many small (and not so small) businesses can benefit from implementing their own social media strategy around their customers.
Instigator blog writes when we see examples of people building out mini-media empires like TechCrunch, GigaOm, ProBlogger, Know More Media, Positive Media Blog Network, and others, we feel like it’s possible for us as well.
Carpe Factum connects that Sometimes, it’s important to find the support that is hidden to the naked eye. That applies in our professional lives also, doesn’t it?
Jonathan Fields asks Have you ever lost time doing anything? You know what I’m talking about. Those moments when you become so absorbed in what you’re doing that an hour becomes a minute and a day becomes and hour. You blink and it’s time to go home, but you’d kill to be able to stay just a little bit longer.
Pick the Brain motivated us with There’s a big myth in our culture: that passion can only be spontaneous. . . . I disagree. Passion can be created. Even for things you don’t currently enjoy.
Orbit Now! characterized things in a way. Here is my spin. It is perhaps NOT as sticky, but that should come as a surprise to no one.
chrisbrogan.com explained
There are SO MANY situations where a social network’s communications functions, when aggregated as part of the “informational whole,†have more value than a more formal tool like a document or email.
Codswallop offered efficiency. Are you working with Excel and want take your Excel skills to the next level? Or do you want to learn Excel and don’t know where to start?
The Artsy Asylum questioned How do we communicate with each other in 2007 and beyond? How does that make a difference in how we think about the world, and our lives, and each other? How does the 3-D web play a part? Big brains are thinking about this so I don’t have to do it all.
And for the Dessert Buffet
Please enjoy these 144 links from Successful and Outstanding Bloggers.
Sit back. Enjoy your reading. Nachos and beverages will be right over. Klondike bars and Fat Tires are in the cooler under the sidebar Stay as long as you like. No tips required. Comments appreciated.
Have a great celebration!
–ME “Liz” Strauss