how to blog
Poala Werner

Perfect Blogging Tip: How to Organize Your Thoughts
There are a lot of people who believe that they do not have a talent in writing. Some college students, for example, will easily give up on writing a decent piece and simply settle for a mediocre essay because they will they do not have the knack for it.
But that is not entirely true. Though there may be fortunate people who can write better than the others without exerting too much effort, you can still learn how to be a good writer by learning the right tricks. One of them is called Thought Organization.
When writing anything, it is very important to have a collected thought to have a single focus. Who wants to read something that starts discussing Point A then ends in talking about Point W. It does not make any sense, right?
So how can we organize our thoughts? Are there any special tricks for it?
Let us learn each step one by one, starting with a discussion about the three basic essay components. These are the thesis statement, the supporting details, and the conclusion.
The thesis statement is the part of the essay where the main argument can be seen. It shows the focal point of the paper. It will be hard to start any writing task if we have no idea what our thesis statement is. It also paints the picture of the entire essay for the readers. Most of the time, the thesis statement can be seen in the last sentence of the paperâs introduction.
On the other hand, the supporting details refer to the discussion of the evidences gathered to support the essayâs arguments. Normally, essay writers ( stress the importance of each supporting details in separate paragraphs. If there are no enough evidence to support your argument, better change the focus of your thesis statement to something which can be discussed further.
And then there is the conclusion. This is the part that wraps up the entire essay by reinstating the thesis statement. It must go over the earlier details mentioned without having to repeat the words completely. A good conclusion must also pose a challenge or a call to action to the readers.
After learning the three basic essay components, let us proceed to the essay writing organization proper. These are Outlining, Writing, and Proofreading. Now letâs discuss each a little further.
This is the first part of the thought organization process for writing. It is like making a blueprint of the house that you want to build. It may be an additional task for essay writing, but it can make your essay writing process a lot easier.
A sample outline can look like this:
I. Introduction/Thesis Statement
II. First Argument
III. Second Argument
IV. Third Argument
V. Conclusion
With an organized outline like this, it will be quite impossible for any writer to lost track of the discussion.
After we are done with our outlines, start the actual writing process. Our outline can actually cut the essay writing process in half because we just have to follow the items in it. We wonât have to worry about getting lost in our thoughts anymore.
Finally, we have the entire paper in our hands. Are we done with it? Not yet! We still have to do the proofreading part. Some essay writers choose to let the proofreading done by other people, like their friends or family. But you can choose to do it also on your own. Whatever makes you comfortable, do it. No one wants to submit a paper full of spelling or grammar mistakes, right?
See, we donât have to be professional essayists like Kurt Vonnegut or David Forster Wallace to write a good paper. With proper thought organization, we can surely compose a good essay in no time.
Poala Werner is a college student who spends her time juggling class duties and her baby sitting job for her older brother. She would love to work on a publishing company someday, that is why she is currently taking Journalism majors in the university. In her timeline, she will be in her dream job in two years time. Follow her on Twitter as @p0wer111890.
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