A Prodigious List

From 7a.m. to 11p.m., October 24, 2007, Successful-Blog celebrated the value of the successful and outstanding bloggers who land on these pages. The conversation was all over the map both topically and geographically. The food choices were mostly sweet and creative, as only virtual food can be. Personally, I like the poptart ice cream sandwiches. Fireworks at the end brought the evening to a close somewhere about when the 660th comment was being typed in. And a landmark was passed at comment 378. . . .
Check out the Party Favors
- Party Photos . . . Mr. Caper has set up a photo opp with Liz and there’s a cool video on how how to do it!
- The Good Blogs has made an SOB widget!! Get the code for the SOB widget here.
HART captured the entire list of links for the guest posts leading up to the party.
These Links Were Shared in Just the First 210 Comments!!
- Alister Cameron: If you don’t have passion and purpose, greater productivity won’t help you!
- cat: Happy Birthday DWB ….
And a Blogging Birthday Coup to you too
Bombing Bangkok on New Years Eve - HART (1-800-HART) Arrogant Worms Happy Birthday Song
- Karin H. Wood You Like Furniture
The Currency: Talent - Brad Shorr Driving Lessons: 10 Rules of the Writing Road, by Joanna Young
- Saul Colt Possibly the best idea I have ever had…..but you may need a GPS to find it.
- Ashish Mohta Learn Now to write an out of the box article — A free ebook to download
- pearl Communicating with People you haven’t met
Building a Support System via Guest Blogging
Make a Decision and Stick with it!
Being Aware of Now - HART (1-800-HART) Hart Empire Network Year2 in Review
- Terry Starbucker Birthday Salute to Successful Blog All!
- Fred 10 Forums To Make You A Better Blogger
- Ed Kohler GMail goes IMAP!
- Jon What I Mean When I Say I Pray
- Jennifer Mannion A smile can go a Long Way to Heal and Change your mood
- Robyn Liz Shines
- Joe Blog vs. Website
Scam or Legit? - Joanna Young Writer, reader, place: writing with ho’okipa
When You’re Stuck for a Story
10 ways our words can make a difference
Change the World: Venture Up the Words - francine hardaway Bionic Woman
- David Sitter Customers Buy The Who, Not The What
- Lodewijkvdb Detailing my mission statement into guidelines and goals
A letter to my son on his first birthday - Robert Hruzek a tip o’ the hat to everybody!
- Deb We’re All Travelling Together
- Thom Allen Archive for the ‘Build A Better Blog In 31 Days’ Category
- Ellen Weber Successful Entrepreneurs, You, and Liz Strauss’ Party
- Kirk M. First Writings-Conversation Lost
- Susanna Out, Out Damn Spot!
- Anita Bruzzese Losing My Perspective
- Scot Herrick Successful Blog’s Celebration
30 Days — 30 Career Management Tips - Mark Riffey Pale, Male and Stale
- Reasonable Robinson Might the Mcann Case Make Turkeys of us All
- Ian McKenzie 10 Tips to Help Keep Your Desk Clean
- Lillie Ammann Self-Publishing Primer
- Robert Hruzek What I Learned From . . . (the archives)
E-Book: Poke It With a Sharp Stick - Joe Fix for WordPress Post Preview
- William Tully 5 Key Components of Blogging
Congruence - Kirsten Harrell, Psy.D. The Energy of Success
- Buzzoodle Ron 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, 99 Bottles of Beer
- Chris Webb 5 Ways To Get Me to Quickly Reject Your Book Proposal
Crowdhacking: 10 Simple Ways Authors Can Help to Increase Sales at Amazon.com - Jon Symons My Business Theme Song
Some great stuff, don’t you think? As Mike said, “Most prodigious!”
I’m one lucky blogger to know these people!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
The Mic Is On: Happy 2nd Birthday to SOBs Everywhere!