about paths crossing.
On the airplane coming home from Seattle and Gnomedex, a parade of exhuasted reflections were passing through my mind. They began because the man who sat beside me resembled the business partner I had traveled to the conference to meet. They stayed because of important conversations with important old and new friends like Beth Kanter, Brian Solis, Mark Davidson and Ponzi Pirillo. Mostly faces and important sentences kept crossing my mind. What was striking about them was that they were marking people and moments in my past, new friends in my present, and the future I as I want it to be.
Eric Rice and I couldn’t figure out how we knew each other. We finally gave up and decided that it must have been in some past life or that it hasn’t happened yet that we do. Duncan Riley and I have known each other so long and yet we just talked for the very first time.
Saturday night by a fireplace with Duncan and I talked about the days when we first started blogging to where life has brought us. At some point, Eric Rice happened by to take this photo.
And our paths crossed in time. Now they’re all part of my personal history.

How could I not value them?