The idea of getting a life coach is, in some circles, may be unpopular. The whole concept of employing a professional to help you improve your life tends to get resigned to something only celebrities, the over-zealous and the deeply-troubled do. Simply admitting you’re considering seeking some ‘life-help’ is seen as admitting you can’t cope.
But the truth is, there is nothing shameful in trying to improve yourself. Whether it’s your mind-set, your self-belief or your approach to life in general – the gentle push of a life coach is something most of us could benefit from; whether or not we’d ever admit it.
Do you think you need a life coach? Read on for seven sure signs that you do!
You’re ‘Lost’
Perhaps you’ve just left school or university and don’t know where to turn next. Maybe you know you need a career change but don’t know what industry appeals. Perhaps you’re being pressured to settle down and aren’t sure if family life is for you.
A life coach can help you to establish what it is you really want from life and give you the push needed to go and get it.
You’re Living for Other People
Many of us stroll through life making the mistake of trying to make everyone around us happy, while forgetting to do what makes us happy. In fact, one of the number one life-regrets cited by those on their death beds is ‘not being true to themselves’.
It’s understandable why so many of us spend our lives pleasing others; we’re brought up in a world of social rules and restrictions that emphasise ‘thinking about others’, and of course, we should always try not to ‘do unto others as you would have them do to you’.
Yet at the same time, we have to, within reason, do what makes us truly happy. A life coach can help you figure out what this is and instill in you the confidence to stop shying behind social restraints and start living for yourself.
You’re Afraid
We all have our fears, whether it’s of spiders, clowns or even cotton wool (bambakophobia – in case you were wondering). However if ‘fear’ is affecting your day-to-day life or holding you back from living your dreams, it’s time you did something about it.
Scared to leave a relationship? Fearful of quitting a job? Maybe the thought of moving somewhere new fills you with anxiety? Life coaches can help you to face up to your fears and conquer them.
You Want to Change Yourself
Whether on the inside or the outside, a life coach can help give you the tools to change yourself for the better.
Regardless of if you want more confidence, to lose weight or to become a better role model for your children, a life coach can help.
You Want to Improve Your Relationships
Perhaps you struggle to see eye-to-eye with your parents or maybe you find it difficult to hold down friendships. Maybe you even find yourself having brief fling after fling and want to nurture a relationship that’s more meaningful.
A life coach can help you uncover why you’re having issues building and maintaining strong connections, while altering your mind-set and attitude so that you can finally enjoy the human bond so many take for granted.
You’re Unhappy
This is perhaps the number one sign, since it covers so many of the above points and so many more.
If you’re simply not happy, whether or not you know why, a life coach can help you to take the steps needed to turn your life around and start seeing the joy in living again.
One of the reasons a life coach can be so valuable in this instance is that we often think we understand the root of our sadness, yet we’re often wrong. A life coach can help establish the real cause of your unhappiness, which is undeniably the first step on the road to happiness.
You’re Happy!
Yes, you heard me right – even if you just love your life and wouldn’t change it for the world you can still benefit from the help and support of a life coach.
When you’re happy, you’re far more open to growth and will absorb advice much more easily. Happy people are the perfect candidates for life coaching! If you’re happy now, why not aim for ecstatic?!
Elise Carr, MA of StellaMuse Life Coaching puts it very well:
…your MIRACLE, which comes from living your highest potential, emerges through life circumstances and events. These events demand more of you than you think possible at the time. These life events do not make you what you are; they are an invitation calling you, asking your to journey and reveal what you truly are to yourself. And it is in these deeply challenging times that you need to merge the power of the Divine with the power of your spirit and your character. This is the alchemy that awakens and unleashes your highest potential, and this is what I guide Stella Souls just like you to awaken to.