Welcome to the SOB Cafe
We offer the best in thinking–articles on the business of blogging written by the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers of Successful Blog. Click on the titles to enjoy each selection.
The Specials this Week are
Dosh Dosh is talking about influencing behavior.
This doesn’t mean that you should deceive customers or readers by providing false or misleading facts but rather, that its useful to situate your marketing campaigns within frames which appeal to your audience’s interests.
Christine Kane is talking about influencing how we look at our lives. You can make it job-related (getting fired) or home related (getting evicted) or even health related. It’s not the situation that matters. It’s how you handle the situation.
Seth’s Blog is talking about the difference between influence and hype.
The idea that a single influential individual (even a blogger like Guy or a talk show host like Oprah) can individually change the herd is crazy, and I don’t think anyone has argued that.
Problogger is talking about other people using our influence without our knowledge.
Last week I had a quick conversation with Seth Godin via email about Twitter and in passing I mentioned his Twitter account. I was shocked to get a response to him saying that he doesn’t use Twitter and that the account I was referring to was actually being run by someone else (who that is I’m not sure).
Simplenomics is talking “too much” influence.
I’ll guarantee that you’re too something. Your company is too something. Your website is too something and your marketing is too something.
Trevor’s Writing is talking about the editor’s influence on what we write.
In the editing stage you need to go back over every word in the piece of writing; it doesn’t matter if it’s a fifty word filler paragraph or a five hundred thousand word novel.
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Drew’s Marketing Minute is talking about the influence of color on a brand.
But sometimes, people do crazy, unexpected things with your brand. Take M&M’s for instance. We’ve all known about the powers of the green M&Ms for years. Pretty darn sure the folks at The Mars Company didn’t start that myth.
M&M capitalizes on a myth
Brain Based Biz is talking about the influence of color.
“Color is so amazingly powerful,” according to psychologist Joerg Bose, “that it is no surprise people throughout centuries have sought to connect it with something meaningful beyond the experience, itself.”
Sit back. Enjoy your read. Nachos and drinks will be right over. Stay as long as you like. No tips required. Comments appreciated.
–ME “Liz” Strauss