Welcome to the SOB Cafe
We offer the best in thinking–articles on the business of blogging written by the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers of Successful Blog. Click on the title shots to enjoy each selection.
The Specials this Week are
Lorelle at WordPress has Gary Larson remind us to take care of our children.
Another Blogger wonders whether the music industry’s loss is an omen for publishing.
Finding the Money shows a way to put your music to work for you legally.
Converstations provides a quick overview of a popular new Google offering and offers a link to a deeper review, if you want even more.
Working at Home on the Internet has tried (and maybe succeeded) at foiling the bad guys, but wouldn’t mind our tricks to add to his protection.
Related ala carte selections include
Life Coaches has a mind-changing secret that they are willing to share.
Zulit lets us in on how to reach our blogging goals by staging our how we handle them.
Sit back. Enjoy your read. Nachos and drinks will be right over. Stay as long as you like.
No tips required. Comments appreciated.
Have a great weekend!
–ME “Liz” Strauss