Planners, calendars, bullet journals, Trello boards, post-it notes, Moleskines–are supposed to make you more productive.
Newsletters, books, podcasts, e-books, blogs, live events– are supposed to teach you how to use those things to become more productive.
You’re a busy little bee with your productivity studies.
Tell the truth.
How deep is your productivity “to read” pile right now?
How would you feel if you could purge all of that for a while and just do your work?
That article on “sleeping habits of super-successful people?” Delete it and get an extra half hour of sleep tomorrow.
That blog series about “becoming super-productive in seven days?” Unsubscribe and write some original content yourself.
Those five weeks of podcasts on “super-charging your morning” that are stacked up in your “unplayed episodes” stream? Get real and delete the old episodes.
In fact, stop reading this article right now and go write/create/do something important.
Then you’ll feel super.
Once you’re feeling all super, come back here and share what you accomplished!
Featured image via Flickr CC: Garry Knight