As I Get Down from my Ladder
As I took down the “register now” button for SOBCon 07, I pondered posts on the event that we all made our own last weekend. I was struck by how often in the blog posts that followed that the single word, brand, and it cousins mission, passion, and purpose were mentioned.
Two thoughts keep tap, tap, tapping me on the shoulder.
Branding is knowing who I am.
- What drives me, gets me jazzed, makes me feel alive and unaware of myself??
- What do I talk about when I can talk about anything?
- Who am I to new friends who greet me with arms and hearts held wide open?
- What twist on an old idea makes it new and exciting enough for me to explore and what to share?
- Who do I like them to see when they look at me? That’s the brand that I strive for, the brand that explains me. Steve Farber would call that frequency.
Finding my brand is knowing who I as a person.
A new brand was formed — the SOBCon Brand. The promise was an experience unlike others. The participants made that brand happen. You can hear them explaining it.
- Participanats had hands to shake, smiles to share, voices to hear. And the ideas that were shared came from all of us.
- Pariticpants were the center.
- A new conversation was started each time two people began to talk.
- People were quick to help each other, to be involved in finding out more. It was the pariticpation and the interaction.
- Like-minded people enjoy being the same as much as we enjoy our differences.
In this case the brand formed around thinkers, business folks, dreamers, and as Jeff Brown, the Bawld Guy, would say, “the Kumbaya singers.”
This time we seem to have also found a brand family.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Check out the Work with Liz!! page in the sidebar.
Finding Your Frequency in Business and in Life
See the Successful Series page Brand You Series.