As We Used to Say in High School
Back in high school, when the mood was high, and we knew we were about to embark on something great, we would break into a carnie’s pitch that went like this . . .
It walks.
It talks.
It crawls on its belly like a lizard.
. . .
$10,000 if it isn’t alive!
That’s how I’m feeling today.
A New Feature, A Writer I So Admire
In a few moments, I’m going to introduce a new weekly column, featuring a writer and a human being I so admire. The concept is one that connects the dots that we are, the thoughts that we have, the ideas and the dreams. We’re both so excited about this — It’s a way to bring more of us together. Read with a whole new mind. See the living web come more alive!
The BIG IDEA Begins! Changing the World!
In a few short hours, I’m introducing a new series. It’s a breakthrough for me. It’s changed me and my business. It can change you and yours. This is the tiny start of the BIG IDEA — how I plan to change the world with a capital C.
Yes, I did say that out loud.
So say it with me. . . . “It walks. It talks. . . .”
I’m getting serious. How can that not be fun?!!!
Yeah, I’m a little scared too.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Check out the Work with Liz!! page in the sidebar.