Grab the Keys, Take a Spin
Yesterday I wrote a few words about the Path of Favors–how they multiply and come back in lovely, unexpected ways. I was lucky in that through a path of favors a problem I’d been thinking about had been mentioned in passing. That lighted a doorway where I was able to walk through and enlist some help to move toward solving it.
I did. I asked folks who were reading yesterday to take the driver’s seat. I threw out the keys to my blog. After a minute or so getting used to the steering, we had quite a dialogue. It was fast and furious and filled with ideas that every blogger should know. It’s still being added to.
Whoa! Am I learning a lot. It’s thrilling to hear what people really think.
Thanks Again
Here or there it doesn’t matter where you write if you have comments. What matters is that your ideas are important to me. If you don’t want to drive my blog now, that’s okay. Do read what’s there from those who did. There’s great advice all through those comments. This blog got better just by having them.
Thanks to everyone who did, or will, take the keys and drive my blog.
Brand you and me is made of two.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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