about folks getting lost in the blogger conversation.
Meeting friends on the Internet is seamlessly efficient. We click in, look around, and stay only if we find thoughts that are attractive. If we choose to click away, we cause no pain. We’re merely blips — stats in a calculation. If we stay, we often become part of a conversation.
We become part of a community of bloggers.
Bloggers like to think with each other. We ideate. We imagine. We suggest problems and then solve them. We open our heads and our hearts to each other. When we meet in person we hug rather than shake hands like strangers. A blogger conversation is built on trust and transparency that takes time to find in the concrete world. It’s incredibly attractive.
So we find ways to bring the bloggerly conversation into our 3-D spaces. We talk in taxis, restaurants, and airports. We twitter from hotel bedrooms and during business meetings. We send messages from commuter rail stations.
We talk about blogging culture in our own blogging language. Do you see signs that some of us view the world as “those who blog” and “those who don’t” — with the first being better and more interesting? Do you see nonbloggers who think the exact opposite? Are we becoming “us and them”?
Will we lose the gifts of our on the ground friends while we talk to our tribe of bloggers? Will we one day find that those friends have moved on because we’ve lost the intimate connection?
I wonder. The blogger conversation is so attractive.