How to blog series
We All Start Somewhere

Most of us who started a blog before LinkedIn and Twitter, while Facebook was barely finished code, got to the blogosphere one at time. We picked out our templates and our blogging platforms and decided what we would blog about. We learned the culture, the rules, and how to use the tools. And all of us learned HTML — the alphabet of blogs.
It was an apprentice culture. We learned the craft from other bloggers. At the same time we linked our blogs, read and commented, we got to know and connected to other bloggers. Much of the information was passed on as we got to know each other. If we needed to know how to do something, we just asked someone who had been blogging longer than we had. Some started building courses and putting together tutorials, probably because they realized they were repeating themselves — an audience existed to learn these things.
Then things changed. Somewhere around 2006, bloggers got serious about making money, running business from their blogs. Social media brought millions of people who had heard that blogs could help their business have a presence online.
It’s no longer an apprentice culture. Still, we all start somewhere. Now, resources exist in the form of blog posts written to answer frequently asked questions and courses to teach the masses. Still, the best way to start is to have someone point you in the right direction.
What follows are 25 how-tos and guides that represent over 65 resources that offer top-notch information for a solid start on a successful-business blog.
What to Find Out Before You Start a Business Blog – 25+ Web Resources
You wouldn’t build a business or a building to house one, without doing a little research first. At least, I hope not. Before you start or restart your business blog, do some research to give you context as you make the initial decisions so that you be confident about the who, what, when, where, why, and how. Here is what to find out before you start a successful business blog.
- Prelaunch Blog Review Checklist
- 10 Blogger Best Practices: Guides as You Extend Your Reach
- Don’t Buy that New Domain Name Yet
- 10 Questions about Starting a Business Blog Answered
An FAQ with links to articles answering basic questions for starting a brand new business blog.
1. Why should I start a business blog?
2. What blogging application should a business blog use? WordPress or Blogger?
3. What is the difference between and
4. Are there any advantages to hosted vs. self-hosted (through a third party)?
5. Should comments be allowed?
6. Is it okay to moderate comments?
7. What should I write about on my business blog?
8. Are there any rules to business blogging such as content, ethics, etc.?
9. Are there any security issues that I should be aware of?
10. Is there anything else I should know about starting a business blog? - How to Start a Business Blog Series
A ten part series for starting strategically:
Part 1 covers the basics and benefits of starting a business blog
Part 2 is on determining the purpose of a business blog
Part 3 is about choosing authors for a business blog
Part 4 covers policy-making for business blogs
Part 5 is about blog platform and website/blog integration
Part 6 is a continuation of blog platform and site integration
Part 7 covers business blog design considerations
Part 8 is about how to choose blog categories for a business blog
Part 9 tells you what you need to know about creating initial blog content in the pre-launch phase
Part 10 was a very interesting look into business blog crisis management planning and its importance - 8 Things to Do Before Starting a Business Blog
WeBlogBetter SlideShare Presentation with notes. - Blogging to Build Your Business
Why and how a blog builds a marketing platform essential for growth. - Which Business Blogging Strategy Is Right for You?
Resource Nation defines distinct approaches to business blogging - Checklist: How to Start a Business Blog
A brief checklist from Hubspot - How To: Choose The Right Platform For Your Business Blog
Criteria for choosing the blogging tool that will be your home. - Blogging for Business: How to Choose the Best Blog Platform
A quick comparison of Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr - 8 Sales Rules for Writing – No One Kills a Messenger who Writes for Readers
- Cardinal Sin #1: Launching With No Content
- How Images Can Make Your Blog Post Demand to Be Read
- Writing a Good Business Blog
by - HOW TO: Create a Successful Company Blog
by Venture Capitalist Mark Suster for Mashable - Do You Know the Five Cornerstones of an Outstanding Business Blog?
by David Hobart, Managing Director of Pure Content - How to Hire a Great Web Writer, Copywriter, or Blogger
What they do, What to look for, Where to look, What to ask. - 10 Steps to Creating a Network of Guest Bloggers
- Paid Guest Blogging-Why Business Owners Must Hire Professional Bloggers
The benefits of getting professional blogging help - The #1 Conversion Killer in Your Copy (And How to Beat It)
- Blogging policy examples
Sample policies â every company and blogger will have to modify them to meet their own needs - IBM Social Computing Guidelines
A great example for enterprise level policy - 24 (of the) Best Business Blogging Guides, Tips and Tools of 2011
- The Most Important Blog Post You’ll Probaably Never Read
7 Real Ways a Blog Raises Influence and Increases Expertise
Take a look at the ones that answer the questions you’ve got right now. Then revisit this page to revisit it when the new questions come up tomorrow and the next day. You might also visit the New Business Blogger Page to find out more about building a successful business blog.
If you have great ideas or advice for starting up a Business Blog, tell us in the comments. If I get enough I’ll pull your comments together into a new post.
Be irresistible.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your business!!